Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day Momma!!!

Sure, I miss deli sandwiches, Kroger, driving, non-polluted blue skies, movie theaters, soft clothes still warm from the dryer, radio, Chili's, Sunday mornings at ch_ch, cheese, bagels, orbit gum, the english alphabet, delivery pizza, ovens, mint ice cream, must-see tv, evening news, unfettered internet access, the couch, Nashville as a whole, pro football (esp the Titans), american clothes sizes, bookstores, libraries, air conditioning and heating...

But more than anything else, I miss you! 

However, I know without a doubt that it is you who equipped me to follow my Father and come here. I know that it is you who still gives me the strength and courage to brave the hard days here. I know that it is you who always reminds me to relax and let my Father take care of my future. I know that I couldn't be here if it weren't for you.

I love that my arms and hands are the exact same as yours. I know that it sounds weird, but sometimes I look down at my forearms, wrists and hands and it makes me miss yours. I love that sometimes I laugh like you. I love that I have some of your same gestures. I love that I dabble in painting the way you used to--you going to oil or watercolor painting classes when I was in kindergarten... I love that I go to art museums because you did, that I listen to classical music because you did, cook with olive oil because you did. 

But more than anything, I love that I love my Father because you did. I love that I have grown up in the light of your faith. I love that the Strength that you always held onto while we were growing up is the Strength that I know how to cling to too, the Strength that brought me here and that gets me through the days of missing you and everything else.

So I hope you have a great day today! I'll have to count on Dylan to make it special for you! I promise that in 43 days I'll be able to make up for not being there today! Until then, Happy Mother's Day Momma!


FranP said...

Thank you, my sweet girl. You have made my day with this post and with your voice mails. sorry that I missed your calls. I love that you followed the road to China that was set before you and have opened your heart and home to the people of that country. I love your sense of adventure and sense of service. And I love that you are coming home to me soon! I love you. Momma

Adrienne Ewing said...

You just made me tear up at work. I guess that's what I get for reading your blog at work. By the way, isn't it crazy that the city behind your picture with your mom is where I live?

jiajia said...

Reading this make me feel a little homesick too. Here, once I met some troubles, I always thought about Lucy in China.